Dedicated, Disciplined and Deserving - the 'D's' hold big weight when managing new voice talent and Kai proved a Delightfully inspired and Determined Druid wielding great skill and magic, Dropping all to Discover the storyteller within - he Dives Deep and I Deem him incredibly Dramatically Different, Devoid of ego and Desperately Delightful! I Don't Deny, this Duty-bound Dove flies Downright far, Delivering 'Da' Dynomite - Do yourself a favour and Dive into Kai Skrotzki - Delicious!!
-Elley-Ray Hennessy, Voice Coach and Actress
Absolutely amazing working with Kai. He was professional, a joy to coordinate plans with and so, so talented at what he does. We can't express how grateful we are for his dedication, and great voice!
-Blair, Grant, and Julianna, members of the Voices.com Team
You've been great to work with, did loads of trials trying to get the right voice and the next day turnaround is a dream!
-Danielle Barnetche, Founder of Lighthouse Learning